Website Design & Development

Design is the silent ambassador of your brand

You would think that in this era everybody would know how important a website is for all businesses regardless of its nature or size. Clearly that is not the case. Any business that does not have a website is missing out on one of the most powerful marketing tools available to them.

Importantly, it is a showcase of how people are likely to find you & it assists you to establish your credibility as a business which leads to generate new sales and new customers.

We, MicroPromo research, strategize and design your website in most appealing way to your target audience.

We specialize in numerous design components, such as: Web design, Development, E-commerce as well as CMS websites.

Our Services

Web Design

We are more than a web design company. At MicroPromo, we will take you to the next level by expertly crafted design, whether you are just starting out or evolving your brand. We approach every project with a "user first" mindset, providing your customers with the best possible experience.

We build responsive custom Websites using latest technologies like HTML5 and CSS3.It makes your site clean, fast loading and search engine friendly.

Web Development

Whether you demand web development solution or it is a custom web development project, you have come to the right place. With our super seasoned & hardcore trained web development professionals, we always bring the most satisfactory outcomes for your online business.

We make sure that you own a website exactly the same you were looking for.

E - Commerce solutions – “From Cart to Conversion”

Let us help you to blow away your competition and get more customers by automating your sales process. Our vision is seamlessly connecting your audience to your brand. Success in a competitive environment requires a customized approach that leverages the latest technology to efficiently convert casual browsers into loyal customers.

  • Custom Product Catalogues
  • Efficient Smart Cart Shopping
  • Safe & Secure Checkout
  • CMS Website – “Manage your website by yourself with no Programming or HTML experience”

    What is “CMS” website?

    CMS stands for 'Content Management System”, which is allowing you to Create, Edit, Publish and Archive the content within your web site.

    We offer CMS solutions mainly in WordPress, Joomla and Drupal.

    Have a responsive website is no longer dream with the “CMS” technology ,since it provides an optimal viewing experience across wide range of devices(from desktop computer monitors to mobile phones) which is providing easy reading and navigation. Whether you want to create a blog, start a forum, upload to your own photo gallery, or sell online with an E-commerce store, you can do so quickly and easily through this highly flexible techno gadget.